Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Santa Suit


My sister gave me this Santa suit last year. I thought I'd try it on Colt and maybe get some pictures for my Christmas card, and he loved it. He didn't want to take it off once we had taken the pictures and threw a fit when I did. Now he asks to put it on nearly everyday.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Artic circle

With the cold weather setting in Colter has had bit of cabin fever. He loved being outside during the summer, so I was kinda looking for something fun for him to do. I took Colter to Arctic Circle to check out the playland. The first time he went down the slide he hopped off and I think he told me "whoa" like six times. It was really funny. Needless to say this has been a fun family outing since then. This is the 3rd time we have been. He's not quite so vocal about the wild slide ride as before but it's still a cute video.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Chatter Box

This was taken back in early September. I have a better video but for some reason it refuses to upload (grrr) but anyway... Colter is my little chatter box. He know probably about 40-50 words though he is kinda shy and won't always tell you them when you want to hear them. Lately he will grab me or Greg by the hand and yell "Pull" to get us to stand up and go wherever he wants.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

More pics

Just got some more edited. Its so hard to get good pics with little kids but Alyssa did a great job.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Family Pics

Alyssa took our Family pictures recently. These are some of my favorites.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Colt Loves the bike

Colter loves the bike. I got this great kangaroo seat in July. It's a great way for me to get out and Colter loves to go. A lot of days he will beat on the shed door, or throw his helmet at me to let me know he wants to go, and then once he has his helmet on he points at Hugo's leash and insists Hugo comes along.

Monday, September 19, 2011

My brag spot

I'm super excited and wanting to brag on my little genius. We started potty training a few months back. We take a super relaxed, no pressure (for either of us) approach. I use a diaper just like I would underwear, that way if there are accidents it's no big deal. Anyway Colt has been doing really well, most days going between 13-20 hours dry, but this last Saturday we made it over 24 hours for the first time. I am so thrilled, and proud of how well he is doing. He is such a great boy, so smart, and funny. He sits on the potty backwards, and when he finishes he waves and says bye bye to the pee.

Hide and Seek

Colt likes to hide Hugo's toys. If we are in the yard he will hide them behind the flower pots. In the house he likes to either hide them under his bed or under the entertainment center.

More Pics

I've been working on getting all the pics Alyssa took edited and some of my favorites posted. Here is another one.

I was putting Colter's carseat back in the car when he climbed in. When I opened the door to get him out he told me to close the door. I don't know where he thought he was gonna go but he had Hugo to ride shotgun.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Party boy

Grandpa Wayne's B-day. Colt calls him PaPa.

Getting ready for church. Yeah I know way too cute.

4 th of July Parade


Alright I've finally given and decided that we would join the future and do some of this social networking stuff. Don't expect wonders I'm sure I won't be very good about keeping it updated, but for those who just want to peek in and see some cute pics of Colt I think I could probably do that.
Colts been a very busy boy lately and loves to be outside. If we are sitting down watching TV or something Colt will go find his shoes and hat and bring them in and throw them at me, and once I put them on him he will grab our fingers and pull while telling us "up" then lead us to the door.
He really is pretty funny and is developing quite a vocabulary. He already knows about 12-17 words, but up seems to be a favorite right now. In addition to his vocabulary he also tips his head back and howls at the dog. I think this is hilarious but I guess he did it with Greg in church and Greg didn't think it was as funny as me, Oh well.